
ZOOM:899 5116 6607
主講人:Vijay Prashad
與談人:Jacobo Grajales、Mphutlane wa Bofelo、汪暉、嚴海蓉、趙月枝

主講人:Vijay Prashad

Vijay Prashad是印度歷史學家。他是Tricontinental社會研究所的主任和LeftWord Books(新德里)的總編輯。他目前已經出版了30本書,包括《華盛頓的子彈》、《第三世界的紅星》、《更黑暗的國家:第三世界的人民歷史》(被2008年亞裔美國作家工作室選為最佳非小說類書籍,並於次年獲得Muzaffar Ahmed圖書獎)以及《更窮的國家:全球南方可能的歷史》。同時,他也是Globetrotter的首席記者和Frontline(印度)的專欄作家。他曾出現在兩部電影中,《影子世界》(2016)和《兩次會議》(2017)。 2018年,他曾受邀來訪清華文科高研所,舉辦講座《馬克思主義和思想論辯》。

Vijay Prashad, an Indian historian, is the director of Tricontinental Institute for Social Research and the Chief Editor of LeftWord Books (New Delhi).  Prashad is the author of thirty books, including Washington Bullets, Red Star Over the Third World, The Darker Nations: A People’s History of the Third World and The Poorer Nations: A Possible History of the Global South. He is also the Chief Correspondent for Globetrotter and a Columnist for Frontline (India). He has appeared in two films, Shadow World (2016) and Two Meetings (2017). In 2018, he was invited to visit Tsinghua Institute for Advanced Study in Humanities and Social Sciences (TIAS) and gave a lecture on “Marxism and the Battle of Ideas”.


Jacobo Grajales,里爾大學(法國)政治學教授,講授的方向有國際政治社會學、發展政策研究和比較政治學。根據在非洲和拉美地區的實地調研,他的研究意圖思考武裝暴力和土地政治經濟之間的關聯。

Jacobo Grajales, Professor of political science, University of Lille (France). His teaching is focused on international political sociology, development policies and comparative politics. His research deals with the link between armed violence and the political economy of land. Drawing on field research in Africa and Latin America, he intends to assess the link between situations of post-conflict/peace-building, and the formation of agrarian capitalism.

Mphutlane wa Bofelo,曾是南非工人學院的講師,目前是南非公務員協會(PSA)會員事務部門的培訓和發展官員。他同時是一位詩人和散文家,也是文化工作者和社會評論家,他的作品受到黑人覺醒運動、蘇菲主義和激進人文主義/社會主義人文主義的影響和啟發。  

Mphutlane wa Bofelo is a former lecturer at Workers College of South Africa and currently a Training and Development Officer in the Member Affairs section of the Public Servants Association (PSA) of South Africa. He is also a poet and essayist; cultural worker and social critic who is influenced and inspired by Black Consciousness, Sufism and radical humanism/socialist humanism.

汪暉,清華大學首批資深文科教授,人文學院教授,清華文科高研所所長。 研究領域:現代中國思想史與現代中國文學,社會和政治理論。

WANG Hui is the distinguished Professor in the school of humanities at Tsinghua University and Director of the Tsinghua Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences. His research interests include Chinese intellectual history, Chinese literature and social and political theory.

嚴海蓉,清華大學人文與社會科學高等研究所教授。曾任教於美國伊利諾伊大學、香港大學、香港理工大學。近十年來,她和香港科技大學的沙伯力教授一起研究中非聯接,探討關於「中國在非洲」的話語和實踐。 近幾年,她開始關注中國的農政變遷和食物主權,在《開放時代》組織了關於中國農業道路的討論。

YAN Hairong, professor of TIAS. She has taught at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, University of Hong Kong, and Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Her intellectual interests include China-Africa links (collaborating with Professor Barry Sautman, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), agrarian change, food sovereignty, collective and cooperative rural economy, and rural-urban migration.


ZHAO Yuezhi is a Distinguished Visiting Professor at the School of Journalism and Communication, Tsinghua University, a Professor and Canada Research Chair of Global Political Economy of Communication at Simon Fraser University, and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. Her research areas include: communication theory and social theory, political economy of communication, communication technology and social change, etc.

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